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Preston Idaho

Image of Preston Idaho and a blue sky
Weather Summary
Currently: Sunny High: 41 °F Wind Chill: 37 °F Humidity: 80% Wind Speed: 6 mph

5 Day Forecast


Icon of sunny weather

41 °F


Icon of sunny but cloudy weather

40 °F


Icon of sunny but cloudy and rainy weather

38 °F


Icon of rain sprinkes weather

36 °F


Icon of rain showers weather

39 °F


Icon of rain downpour weather

41 °F


Icon of overcast weather

35 °F

A girl and two guys smiling and dressed up for St Patrick's Day

Epic St Patrick's Day Celebrations

by  Jeremy Troy Suchanski

Here at Preston, Idaho we are known for our St Patrick's Day celebrations. Many groups start planning their activities a week after the celebrations end for the current year. Here in Preston, we have beautiful rainbows. People love using the colors of the rainbow as theme colors for their St Patrick's Day decorations, as demonstrated by the accompanying photo. Of course, there is plenty of the traditional green color put into use as well. The parties are all a lot of fun and very tame and family centered at the same time. It's getting close to St Patrick's Day and keeping to our town's tradition the celebrations are lining up once again. This year there are ten major celebrations being planned, that we are aware of. Many folks have gone through a lot of trouble for the coming . . . continue to full article