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Soda Springs - Idaho

Picture of Preston, Idaho's fields, trees, mountains, and sky.
Weather Summary
Currently: Sunny High: 41 °F Wind Chill: 37 °F Humidity: 80% Wind Speed: 6 mph

5 Day Forecast


Icon of sunny weather

41 °F


Icon of sunny but cloudy weather

40 °F


Icon of sunny but cloudy and rainy weather

38 °F


Icon of rain sprinkes weather

36 °F


Icon of rain showers weather

39 °F

A girl and two guys smiling and dressed up for St Patrick's Day

Water, Water Everywhere

by  Jeremy Troy Suchanski

Soda Springs, Idaho is proud of their geyser. It is the only captive geyser in the world. It was created while a drill struck a carbon dioxide gas chamber 315 feet underground. The Secretary of the Interior asked the city to shut off the geyser because it was throwing the "Old Faithful Geyser" off schedule. The city now has the geyser set to go off every hour on the hour. It, along with several mineral springs, has become the city's main water entertainment and attraction. It's not your typical water park, but this water park comes with a beautiful Visitor's Center and a rich history. If you come to the park on Saturday at 11:30am you will get treated to a free soda shake. Like the park, they are one of a kind! People come from miles around to see the water, water everywhere and locals . . . continue to full article

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