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Man standing in the pouring rain with his arms
            stretched out to catch the rain
People dancing in a large cement pipe

Recreational Creativity

by  Jeremy Troy Suchanski

It may seem strange, but the rain is bringing people together in our region of Idaho. People have gotten very creative with the wet weather around here. Many fishermen love to go out on the lake to fish in the rain. All of the avid fishermen tell us that fishing in the rain is amazing because the rain brings all of the big fish out. Additionally, our region has started a tradition of having outdoor dances in the rain. The area has created outdoor heating units that are safe to run in the rain and pump out enough heat that it becomes a sort of outdoor sauna. Steam is everywhere and people are having fun. What a fun and crazy tradition we have begun thanks to all of the creativity people have shown. They won't let a wet day end their outdoor activities. Finally, one of the most popular of all the outdoor activities in the rain around here is a nice and muddy soccer event. You will find people slipping and sliding around in the mud and having a blast. In this region of Idaho, we know how to make every moment count and . . . continue to full article

A lake overflowing its boundaries with flooding


Rain overfills Bear Lake

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A picture of  a huge lightning strike on a lake


Foster Reservoir gets hit

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A geyser erupting and spraying a mist of water 
                        straight up into the air


Record high for Geyser

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