
Explore the unknown


✱ The primary text fonts are "Permanent Marker" and "Montserrat Alternates".

HTML Location Font Family Font Size Hex Color Example
Site Header Montserrat Alternates 45px #6195C2 D emo
Footer Navigation Montserrat Alternates 16px #FF9E80 Demo
Heading 1 (h1) Permanent Marker 80px #fff D emo
Heading 2 (h2) Montserrat Alternates 24px #fff Demo
Heading 3 (h3) Montserrat Alternates 20px #000000 Demo
Heading 4 (h4) Permanent Marker 80px #fff Demo
Type 1 Paragraph Text (p) Montserrat Alternates 16px #fff Demo
Type 2 Paragraph Text (p) Montserrat Alternates 32px #000000 Demo