Target Audience
Scoot's target audience is any male or female married or single over the age of about thirty years old who is planning on visiting the Cozumel. The individuals within this target audience will have a household income of $80,000 or more. They will have an education level consisting of any where up to the level of a doctorate. They will be computer literate or will at the very least be familiar with using a smart phone or tablet. The target users of Scoots' website will be accessing the site through a desktop computer, table or smart phone device. The largest traffic for our site will come from smart phone users. The target audience will be interested in coming to Cozumel for vacation.

Persona 1: Ralph Preston
Persona Group:
Vacationer from California
Age- 55
Ethnicity- White
Education- BSN
Family Status:
Divorced & Single
Job Titles & Responsibilites:
- Has 3 children and helps to take care for them financially & otherwise.
Nurse Practitioner
- Cares for the mentally ill and has a passion for mental health.
Runs a Practice
- Helps run the doctor's office and care for psychiatric patients.
- Likes the genres of classical, jazz, country, and pop. Always looking for music concerts to
- Likes to watch basketball and football. Likes to attend local games. Plays soccer. Is a
participant in local games.
- Likes to hang out with friends and socialize. Is always looking for activities he could do
with his friends.
Is trying to get back into a serious relationship, but is struggling.
I wish I could visit the tropics and see more than just the touristy stuff.

Persona 2: Molly Jemem
Persona Group:
Community Resident
Age- 35
Ethnicity- Hispanic
Education- Masters in Education
Family Status:
Married & Parent
Job Titles & Responsibilites:
Has been married for 10 years and helps to run the household.
Is helping to raise 2 children from 3 years old to 6 years old.
Science Teacher
Endeavors to teach science to teenagers in high school.
- Likes spenging time with her family and is always looking for activities they would
enjoy doing together in the local area.
- Likes to go on bike rides with family and is always looking for new ways to have fun.
- Loves chemical engineering and is constantly learning new things as she can. She loves
attending local science fairs.
- Likes to spend time with friends, but doesn't get out a lot since her two children keep
her very busy.
- Loves going on dates with her husband and is always ready for a new adventure.
I've been watching people drive around on those scooters and in jeeps and I am thinking I want to try that out someday, if my kids will ever give me a chance.
1) I've never driven in a sand buggy, but I think I want to give it a try.
2) I am looking to go on a vacation and am not sure what I wouls do about transpertation.
3) I've watched people drive around on scooters and thought that looked like fun.
4) I just won the lottery and am looking for a good place to vacation. Can you give be any ideas?
5) I like to go on vacation, but I want to go visit part of the area that most people don't get to see.