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#1Q - Support for Creativity & Curiousity

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Example #1 & #3 Link


Pictue of JavaScript for object property being created


Picture of JavaScript for object property being used Picture of multiple quantity of an item in the cart

Example #2 Link


Picture of JavaScript code for fixing null error
Picture of the empty array fix in localStorage

Example #4 Link


Picture of JavaScript to narrow search with a menu
Picture of the search bar with search options over it

Creativity & Curiousity

1. becoming more efficient at applying your innate curiosity and creativity

(With little guidance student is able to generate project ideas to apply their knowledge and improve their skills. Student enjoys asking 'what if?' questions and pursuing their answers.)

I was always trying to use my creativity to add a little bit more to the parts of the SleepOutside website that I worked on, the final project that I worked on, and this portfolio that I worked on because of my curiosity about how I might be able to make things a little bit better.

Example #1

I am most proud of was the card with the Duplicate items in cart feature. After a lot of work and effort I came up with a creative solution to this of giving the product objects a new category to keep track of their quantity within the object.

Example #2

If you look at the work I did I was always looking for ways to be creative and make things a little bit better and I would often find myself accidentally working on parts of or doing another card without realizing it. An example of this is when I did with the (cart.html error with empty cart card) as a result of working on the (Add item to cart broken card)

Example #3

Another example where I ended up doing another card accidentally from being creative and trying to make things a little better is when I did the (Duplicate items in cart card) as a result of working on the (Remove from cart feature card).

Example #4

An example of generating project ideas to apply my knowledge and improve my skills from the final project is how I asked the question "what if we could help refine a user's search for a book?" I then applied my knowledge and worked on improving my skills by making this happen for our group project.

Example #5

The last example I would like to share of generating a project idea by asking "what if" and applying my knowledge was putting together this portfolio. I tried to go the extra mile by putting together a creative and nice website based portfolio that was all linked together.